Houseboat rental in Kröslin, Germany

Here are all the boats in the vicinity

These boats available around Kröslin, may also be of interest to you!

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Which boat is best-suited for Kröslin?

The most popular boats are barge. At this destination you can find :

Rent a boat simply in Kröslin

Determine your sailing date, and if you need a captain and search the site among the 6 listings available at Kröslin. Once the booking is confirmed, you must deposit the deposit, sign the contract and off you go. At the end of the rental, you can leave a review of your experience.

What is the minimum price for renting a boat?

Rates depend on the type of unit and its size. At Kröslin, you will find listings from 270 €.

Renting a boat, for how many people?

The boarding capacity depends on the size and load capacity of the boat. The boats available at Kröslin offer maximum capacities ranging from 2 to 4 persons.

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