Canal boat rental in Benalmádena, Spain without license

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The community's advice on the destination

Very good area for sailing
Muy buena zona para navegar
Fco. Javier
Fco. Javier
Renting for two hours is a bit short; I recommend 4 hours to enjoy the experience more calmly. I also recommend checking the sea conditions if you are going to rent with inexperienced crew; they get scared easily in a calm sea.
Alquilar dos horas es un tiempo un poco escaso; recomiendo 4 horas para disfrutar con más calma de la experiencia. También recomiendo asegurarse del estado del mar si vais a alquilar con tripulantes con poca experiencia; se asustan con facilidad con un mar poco movido.
The area is great for sailing
La zona es estupenda para navegar
Puerto Marina Benalmadena
beautiful and plenty to see. highly recommend
Puerto Marina Benalmadena
Super good
Super bien
Puerto Marina Benalmadena
So-so. No nice coast
Geht so. Keine schone Küste
Very nice place to have a boat tour.

How to rent a boat in Benalmádena ?

SamBoat makes it easy to find the perfect boat from a fleet of 0 vessels available at Benalmádena. Whether you choose to contact the charter company or book directly online, registration is completely free. You can make the payment for the booking online in complete security.

Budget for renting a boat in Benalmádena

Rates depend on the type of unit and its size. At Benalmádena, you will find listings from 0 €.

What are the main ports in Benalmádena?

  • Puerto Marina Benalmadena
  • Puerto Deportivo de Benalmádena

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