Feel captain for a day without any qualification to man this spectacular boat with all the comforts of a bigger one. staircase and swim platform, awning, yamaha 15/40 hp 4 stroke engine, solarium, comfortable sofas for sunbathing, etc. . . all brand new. Do not wait to make your reservation and open this boat. Call us and we tell you the conditions. from 70 euros an hour !!! and the more hours more economical leaves per hour! for example, 2 hours ...
Feel captain for a day without any qualification to man this spectacular boat with all the comforts of a bigger one. staircase and swim platform, awning, yamaha 15/40 hp 4 stroke engine, solarium, comfortable sofas for sunbathing, etc. . . all brand new. Do not wait to make your reservation and open this boat. Call us and we tell you the conditions. from 70 euros an hour !!! and the more hours more economical leaves per hour! for example, 2 hours 110 euros and 3 hours 140 euros !!! 4 hours 160 euros !!! and all day (8 hours) 250 euros !!! Come to Torrevieja to enjoy its beautiful coastline!