Boat rental & yacht charter in Seychelles

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What an incredible days experience we had. Thanks to Stephanie we were able to have a bespoke schedule organised which accommodated everything we wanted to do and the guys on board delivered. On our way over to Praslin we followed some birds which led us to a nice fishing spot where we managed to catch two Bonita fish (small but still fun!). Then we sailed to Anse Lazio for some incredible snorkelling. After that we went to Curiuese Island to meet the Giant Tortoise, followed by a trip to La Digue where we spent a few hours exploring the amazing beaches. We got some refreshments from a shack on Source D’Argent and took a lunch with us. Finally, we were dropped in Praslin harbour but not before seeing some Dolphins between La Digue and Praslin. The organisation, the friendliest staff, really nice boat, very fair price and all round a really high recommendation from us. A great day that will be a long memory and happy for us!


Fantastic company, very friendly in time and a 24/7 assistance if needed.

The community's advice on the destination

The must-sees are known to all, few coves where you can find yourself alone but you have to flexibly make the dike and the islands around. It would also be good to specify that many coves or they are marine reserves where you have to pay to anchor and pay extra for the night! In the end this can make an additional note not negligible. A lot of current and swell at this time so the bottoms are not often very clear when snorkeling and it's a shame.
Les incontournables sont connus de tous peu de criques où se retrouver seuls mais il faut à souplement faire la digue et les îles autour. Il serait bon également de préciser que beaucoup de criques ou d’ils sont des réserves marines où il faut payer pour s’encrer et payer en plus pour la nuit ! Au final cela peut faire des une note supplémentaire pas négligeable. Beaucoup de courant et de houle à cette époque donc les fonds ne sont pas souvent très clairs en snorkeling et c’est dommage.
Rent a bike (e-bike) from La Digue harbour to cycle to Source Dargent
Eden Island
Superb islands!
Superbes îles !
Eden Island
The Seychelles impress with their overwhelming nature on land and water as well as their wonderful underwater world! The many small islands (mostly without overnight anchorages) are within a short distance. It is made difficult and challenging by the existing night-time sailing ban (although it makes sense when there are shallows and unmarked rocks that protrude just above the waterline!), the shallow water areas that extend far out of the bays and the reef edge waves. In May we had a surprising amount of rain and strong winds from the N/NW. Under these conditions there are very few safe anchorages around/near Praslin. In principle, it seems to me necessary to decide for/against snorkeling/sailing. Good sailing wind makes snorkeling almost impossible. On the reefs and shallow bays, a catamaran is definitely preferable to a monohull. We were the only ones with a monohull in the 14 days. In our opinion, a week is too short! The Seychellois are very friendly and relaxed!
Die Seychellen bestechen durch eine überwältigende Natur zu Lande und zu Wasser sowie herrlicher unterwasserwelt! Die vielen kleinen Inseln (überwiegend ohne Nacht-Ankerplatzen) liegen in kurzer Distanz. Schwierig und anspruchsvoll wird es durch das bestehende Nachtfahrverbot ( allerdings bei Untiefen u nicht gekennzeichnet knapp über die Wasserlinie ragenden Felsen sehr sinnvoll!), die weit aus den Buchten ragenden Flachwassergebieten sowie die Riffkantenwellen. Wir hatten im Mai überraschend sehr viel Regen u starke Winde aus N/ NW. Unter diesen Bedingungen gibt es sehr wenige sichere Ankerplätze um/bei Praslin. Prinzipiell scheint es mir nötig, sich für/gegen Schnorcheln/Segeln zu entscheiden. Guter segelwind macht schnorcheln fast unmöglich. Bei den Riffs u flachen Buchten ist ein Katamaran einem monohull sicher vorzuziehen. Wir waren in den 14 Tagen die einzigen mit Monohull. Eine Woche ist unserer Ansicht nach zu wenig! Die Seychelloises sind sehr freundlich u gelassen!
Praslin Island
Magical.beautiful small beaches with white sand and palm trees.
Eden Island
Olaf Werner
Olaf Werner
Very warm all day, even at night! Long clothing is unnecessary, even for eating out in the evening! Pack very little!!, mainly swimwear and light, loose, airy clothing - also as sun protection! Take sun protection seriously from the FIRST MINUTE!!! Unfortunately, sailing is not always possible - the wind is not constant in this season. Nevertheless, it is a great area, swimming, snorkeling, and letting your eyes be pampered by the unique landscape! Good anchorages.
Ganztägig sehr warm, auch nachts! Lange Kleidung ist unnötig, auch um abends gut essen zu gehen! Ganz wenig einpacken!!, vor allem Badekleidung und leichte, lockere, luftige Bekleidung - auch als Sonnenschutz! Sonnenschutz ab der 1. MINUTE!!! ernst nehmen!! Segeln geht leider nicht immer - Wind ist nicht konstant in der Jahreszeit. Trotzdem tolles Revier, Baden, schnorcheln, und das Auge verwöhnen lassen von der einzigartigen Landschaft! Gute Ankerplätze.
Praslin Island
At this time of year there is still predominantly a moderate NW wind with 1 to 3 Bft with waves around 0.7 at 8-10 seconds, well suited even for less experienced skippers. Anchoring is a must, there is plenty of sandy bottom. Real bays are rare. The strokes between the islands are between 15 and 30 NM. There are plenty of hotspots created by nature. We had 4 different weather apps, none of them were reliable, but the daily downpour was. In Port Launay there have been 3 buoys at around 4m WT since 2023, and anchoring is finally forbidden there. Be careful with strong tidal ranges! Frigate is a huge construction site, with good anchorage to the north. The port of La Passe is almost finished and already looks neglected.
Um diese Jahreszeit ist noch überwiegend gemässigter NW Wind mit 1 bis 3 Bft bei Welle etwa 0,7 mit 8-10 sec, gut geeignet auch für weniger erfahrene Skipper. Ankern ist ein Muss, es gibt viel Sandgrund. Wirkliche Buchten sind selten. Die Schläge zwischen den Inseln liegen zwischen 15 und 30 NM. Hotspots von der Natur gemacht gibt es jede Menge. Wir hatten 4 verschiedene Wetterapps, keines war zuverlässig, der tägliche Regeguss schon. In Port Launay gibt es seit 2023 3 Bojen auf etwa 4m WT, ankern ist da nun endlich verboten. Achtung bei starkem Tidenhub! Fregatte ist eine Riesenbaustelle, im N guter Ankergrund. Der Hafen La Passe ist so gut wie fertig, wirkt jetzt schon verwahrlost.
Eden Island
To do La Digue, Curieuse, Félicité, Ile Coco for snorkeling, Grand Soeur....Praslin Bof
A faire La Digue, Curieuse, Félicité, Ile Coco pour le snorkeling, Grand Soeur....Praslin Bof
Eden Island

Rent a boat with or without captain in Seychelles

with SamBoat. Choose from a wide selection of sailboats, motor boats, RIBs, catamarans, yachts and canal boats. We offer a huge range of boats to hire from 50€/day. With the best offers, SamBoat helps you to find the ideal yacht charter for the perfect vacation.

Charter a yacht in Seychelles

Seychelles are the ultimate paradise in the middle of the Indian Ocean. It is an archipelago of 115 islands that are diverse in nature with unspoiled sand and beaches. Seychelles should definitely be on your radar if you are looking for exploration and adventure. Located off the eastern coast of Africa, the natural beauty and unique wildlife will make any person instantly fall in love with Seychelles.

How much does it cost to rent a boat in Seychelles?

When it comes to renting a boat in the Seychelles there is a huge range of boats available in different price ranges. If you are planning to charter a yacht in the Seychelles, expect to pay around 300€/day for a sailboat and 500€/day for a catamaran. The huge selection will allow you to find the most suitable boat for your needs either for a day or for a whole week. If you are renting a boat in the Seychelles, keep in mind that there is a possibility to rent with a captain, so you can enjoy a stress free vacation in the middle of the ocean, without worrying about driving a boat. 

Boat availability in Seychelles

Due to the excellent climate in the region there is a wide range of boats available. Because the Seychelles are outside of the hurricane zone, sailing is possible all year round. From May to October, you will have the south-east trade winds with winds getting stronger all the way into August. From December to the end of March, you’ll have the winds from the north-east which are a lot calmer, but you’ll also have the rain concentrated in the months of December, January and February. 

Do I need a licence to charter a yacht in Seychelles?

In order to charter a boat in the Seychelles, you will need to have a valid license and a SRC. In addition to this, you will have to present a nautical CV detailing your previous sailing experience regarding the waters you’ve sailed and the types of boats you’ve captained. 

If you lack experience, don’t have the valid boating license or just don’t feel comfortable renting a bareboat in the Seychelles, you can easily rent a boat with a captain. A captain has a local knowledge of the area and you will certainly see all of the hidden gems of the area. 

Overview of Seychelles  

Depending on your expected travel length, Seychelles is usually divided into two parts. The first chunk of islands, which are the 43 main islands are most visited. With yacht charter, the remaining outlying islands are easily reachable and provide rich, remote scenery. 

The larger of the islands in which people usually visit, for good reason, is the Mahé Island. As mentioned before, these islands are begging to be explored. In the Mahé island, you can find stunning waterfalls and trails through the mountain ranges that will leave you in awe.

In Mahé, the activity of ‘beach hopping’ actually exists. The island boasts over 60 different beaches all with their unique personality and visually stunning aesthetic. 

Once you have taken advantage of the activities on the Mahé island and its capital Victoria, sail over to the outer islands. With several to choose from, we propose heading to La Digue. With a very small population of approximately 2,000 people and barely any transport infrastructure, the island is on the smaller side of the Seychelles. When you arrive on your catamaran, you will be immediately blown away. The beaches in La Digue are undoubtedly some of the most beautiful beaches world wide. The most charming among these is the Anse Source D’Argent. With its abundance of boulders and white sand, it is no surprise it is the most photographed beach in the world.

Near and around the Seychelles, you'll have different islands that are completely different and unique in their own way. For example, directly south of Seychelles is the famous island of Reunion. Known globally, yacht charters in Reunion are a sailor's dream. Another great destination nearby to rent a boat is Madagascar. Both of these islands will surely provide an exotic vacation for your family or friends. 

Practical information on sailing in the Seychelles

The Seychelles are very easily reachable by taking a plane and landing on the island of Mahé. If you are planning on visiting the other, smaller islands there is a possibility of taking a small plane or boats to reach the other parts. 

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Information about boat rental in Seychelles

Number of boats: 148 Boats
Licence: Mandatory licence
Minimum price: 356 € / day
Type of boats: Catamaran , Motorboat , Sailboat , Luxury Yacht , Houseboat , Jet ski , RIB
Captain: 143 boats with captain

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