Boat rental without license in Sète, France

Here are all the boats in the vicinity

These boats available around Sète, may also be of interest to you!

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It was excellent. Beautiful boat in picturesque surroundings.


Perfect it was such a lovely day the boat was perfect for the price would definitely recommend:)

The community's advice on the destination

Mont Saint Clair allows you to prepare while being protected from the north wind and the same on the way back. Sète is a very beautiful city with very beautiful sailboats.
Le mont Saint Clair permet de se préparer en étant protégé du vent du Nord et idem au retour. Sète est une très belle ville avec de très beaux voiliers.
We sailed SW to Spain with 5-6 knots of wind. Nice sailing
Nous avons navigué direction SO jusqu’a l’Espagne par 5-6 nds de vent. Belle navigation
The navigation area allowed us to discover the pond, the canals, the sea, it was a shame not to be able to make a stopover.
La zone de navigation nous a permis de découvrir l étang, les canaux, la mer, c était très bien dommage de ne pas pouvoir faire d escale.
Port de Sète
Très bien
Lots of different things to see, impossible to do it all in one go.
Beaucoup de choses différentes à voir, impossible de tout faire en une seule fois.
Pleasant and well-organized navigation area at the start
Zone de navigation agréable et bien organisée au départ

What type of boat to hire at Sète?

The motorboats are very popular in this destination. But you will also find :

  • 1 sailboat
  • 7 motorboats

Boat rental in Sète : how does it work ?

Search for the boat using the different filters available. Once you find a boat that suits you, you can contact the owner directly to confirm the rental. After making the payment, you can arrange a meeting with the owner to inspect the boat and sign the rental contract.

What is the minimum price for renting a boat?

It is possible to rent boats from 77 €

Boat capacity on a charter boat at Sète

The boarding capacity depends on the size and load capacity of the boat. The boats available at Sète offer maximum capacities ranging from 2 to 8 persons.

Other boat types

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