Very efficient and comfortable semi-open sailboat, english spoken crew. The "cabriolet of the seas" offers you its large space with 4 comfortable benches, fridge, toilet, sound system, easy access to the sea for swimming, snorkelling and paddle equipment. For 9 passengers (10 people on board with the captain), a magnificent convivial space with the pleasure of a boat that works very well under sail. You are accompanied by a professional skipper, ...
Very efficient and comfortable semi-open sailboat, english spoken crew. The "cabriolet of the seas" offers you its large space with 4 comfortable benches, fridge, toilet, sound system, easy access to the sea for swimming, snorkelling and paddle equipment. For 9 passengers (10 people on board with the captain), a magnificent convivial space with the pleasure of a boat that works very well under sail. You are accompanied by a professional skipper, on a NUC vessel (Commercial Use Vessel), which means: - No deposit - You are not legally responsible for navigation (unlike a rental to an individual where you are responsible for EVERYTHING on board, even with the presence of the accompanying owner). - Vessel inspected regularly by the Ship Safety Center and equipped with the security equipment required for commercial activity. - A guarantee of training and professionalism of the captain.
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