This is our loyalty program through which you can enjoy exclusive offers and benefits from your first booking made on SamBoat. The SamBoat Club is simple and free!
Si se cancela con más de 6 semanas antes de la fecha del alquiler: se devuelve el 50% del precio total del alquiler.
Si se cancela dentro de las 6 semanas anteriores a la fecha del flete: no se devuelve el precio del alquiler.
Excluding SamBoat service fees. The refund of these depend on the reason and are at the discretion of the platform.
Cabin 1
Cabin 2
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SamBoat Club
Members of the SamBoat Club benefit from additional discounts on a selection of boats.
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Excellent from start to finish. Jose and his colleague were very accommodating and the boat was in pristine condition. Will certainly book again!
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Perfect rental
Jose handles the rental admirably.
Everything was in line with my expectations and the description of the boat.
No nasty surprises.
I recommend +++
Location parfaite
Jose gère la location de façon admirable.
Tout était conforme à mes attentes et à la description du bateau.
Pas de mauvaise surprise.
Je recommande +++
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By booking through SamBoat, you benefit from other exclusive advantages: a team of boating experts at your service, payment facilities, a loyalty program offering you multiple rewards.
695 €
/ day
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