Electronic navigation equipment
electric wc
Compass, On-board computer, Display, Depth sounder, GPS, Joystick, Plotter with GPS antenna
Technical and deck preparation
Engine alarm, Anchor, Water pressure pump, Batteries, Battery charger, Deck shower, Bow thruster - bow thruster, Platform, Automatic bilge pump, Electric bilge pump, Manual bilge pump, Entrance door, Side door, Shorepower connector, Windlass Electric, swimming ladder, horn
Domestic ...
Electronic navigation equipment
electric wc
Compass, On-board computer, Display, Depth sounder, GPS, Joystick, Plotter with GPS antenna
Technical and deck preparation
Engine alarm, Anchor, Water pressure pump, Batteries, Battery charger, Deck shower, Bow thruster - bow thruster, Platform, Automatic bilge pump, Electric bilge pump, Manual bilge pump, Entrance door, Side door, Shorepower connector, Windlass Electric, swimming ladder, horn
Domestic equipment on board
Boiler, 12v internal sockets, 220v internal sockets
Speakers, AM/FM Radio, Stereo
Kitchen and appliances
Kitchen, internal refrigerator
Full Cushions, Stern Cushions, Bow Cushions, Cockpit Cushions, Blackout Covers, Sunbathing Area