This is our loyalty program through which you can enjoy exclusive offers and benefits from your first booking made on SamBoat. The SamBoat Club is simple and free!
Magnificent new Hanse 460! Forget all preconceived ideas about sailing with this new unit dedicated to the pleasure of the sea, comfort, safety and respect for our environment without compromise.
Magnificent new Hanse 460! Forget all preconceived ideas about sailing with this new unit dedicated to the pleasure of the sea, comfort, safety and respect for our environment without compromise.
Magnifique Hanse 460 neuf ! Oubliez toutes les idées préconçues de la voile avec cette nouvelle unité dédiée au plaisir de la mer, au confort, à la sécurité et au respect de notre environnement sans compromis.
Magnifique Hanse 460 neuf ! Oubliez toutes les idées préconçues de la voile avec cette nouvelle unité dédiée au plaisir de la mer, au confort, à la sécurité et au respect de notre environnement sans compromis.
Rental conditions
Type of rental
With captain
With owner on board
Times of the beginning and end of the rental :
10:30 AM / 5:00 PM
Security deposit (without captain)
3 000 €
(Managed by SamBoat)
Security deposit management
Security deposit management: Managed by SamBoat
You will be asked to deposit the security deposit on SamBoat 48 hours before the start of the rental. A pre-authorisation of the amount of the deposit will be made on your credit card. In the absence of damages, the deposit will be automatically refunded after the end of the rental.
Security deposit (with captain)
2 000 €
(Managed by SamBoat)
Security deposit management
Security deposit management: Managed by SamBoat
You will be asked to deposit the security deposit on SamBoat 48 hours before the start of the rental. A pre-authorisation of the amount of the deposit will be made on your credit card. In the absence of damages, the deposit will be automatically refunded after the end of the rental.
You will be refunded 70% of the rental amount up to 5 days before the start of the rental period. Less than 5 days before the rental, no refund is possible.
Special offers
Additional discounts
SamBoat Club
Members of the SamBoat Club benefit from additional discounts on a selection of boats.
Discover SamBoat Club
Deck shower
Convertible saloon
Swim platform
Outdoor cushions
MP3 player
Bluetooth connection
Teak cockpit
Outdoor fridge
USB plug
50 €
/ rental
300 €
/ day
Lunch (pissaladière, pizza, charcuterie, fruits)
30 €
/ rental
/ person
Rosé, softs , eau pour toute la journée.
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By booking through SamBoat, you benefit from other exclusive advantages: a team of boating experts at your service, payment facilities, a loyalty program offering you multiple rewards.
900 €
/ day
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